Happy new year!
That's just bullshit my dude. I really wish that this year is gonna be great for you, for me, for all of us in this blue and green planet, that's becoming grayer and grayer day by day.
The turning from the 31th of December to the 1st of January isn't gonna chance your life. The experiences and interactions that you have day by day is gonna do it.
Learning how to appreciate each moment of your life physically and emotionally are unique.
It's kind of cool to have a cycle of our life registered in counted days, having a chapter of your life registered in a period of time. At the same, I just learned that time isn't really counted by hours, days, months or years. I personally started to lose the sense of time, depending of the life that I'm living. Intensive few hours became more pleasant than couple of days. Few days started to be more remarkable than couple of years.
Think about how few moments of your life were more pleasant and remarkable for your life than other long periods that you can't really express what you've done that time.
Working 40 hours per week, attending classes in the university 20h per week and when I was sleeping, trying to use the the rest of time to have some social contacts and study, made my life been a routine for several years, that most of these moments I can make simple summary really easy to understand, related that most of the experiences were really similar from each other that make the life be a loop of repeated events.
These days, could be summarized in few sentences, but my ending of last year to now for instance as other moments of my past 2 years and 3 months were so intense that sometimes I have the impression that the time was so much longer.
Like me traveling Morocco, landing in my first time in the African continent, having a culture experience in the busy and touristic Marrakech or Spending New Year's Eve in a small house party close from Casablanca organized by Moroccan with good social background in a culture that don't celebrate the New Year or chilling in a tourist city from Moroccan, really organized and charming like Larache, or having a amazing day in Arzila, such a artistic city full of inspiration and good vibes. From there arriving in North of Spain to celebrate what I do in the past 3 years in Ordizia, village where once per year the street were crowed with good vibes to party the night along, place that few days before was one of the most quiet places that I've been. Then ending up my this trip in Toulouse where the space doesn't really matter, but the person that you're spending time with.
In this frame of time I can count many peasant experiences that the intensity made it be remarkable in a special good way. Life's lessons.
Spending one night in Frankfurt having special experiences where you can connect past, present and future in the same frame. Having a intense week in Bremen once I was back. For one week I was in Cagliari I've done a Erasmus project, living intense experiences, awake at least 20 hours per week, sometimes more, not for obligation, but for pleasure. Pleasure in spending time with good connections that were around me. If I body could handle 24h awake per day I would just not go to bed.
I'm gonna go deeper in none of these experiences, I'm not really trying to write daily for you, I'm just trying to give you a example that the time hasn't been counted in a period of days or a year. If you grab a chair I can give you the opportunity to go deeper in each of my experiences in these past trips that I've done recently. I can also talk with about other that I had long time ago. At the same time to explain a period of time of my life, you could get bored quickly, probably we wouldn't spend that long time to discuss about it.
2018 was just a year, that maybe you lived part of this in a repeated loop that you maybe easily summarize, but there were also some other moments that made you lose the sense of time as we all have. Sense of time expressed in pleasure. The pleasure that we feel experiencing amazed moments, the moments that you live and you don't see the time passing. Like an intense sex between people connected with each other that this frame of minutes can't be counted in our regular time. Or the coffee that you have with friend during hours and the conversation were really good that hours later you didn't even noticed it the time just passed. You can include parties, concerts, trips, nice conversations or any other things that you are well connected with your mind, people and the environment around you. Like me writing now. I've no sense of time while I'm writing, not because it seems to be longer or short, there is no way how to measure it, it's just pleasant. Like in the exactly moment after a orgasm that your sense of space and time is really modified, this few seconds are so intensive that your mind and body are in another dimension of time and space.
In the non pleasant moment of your life, you're strongly wishing for the passing quickly, you wanna skip this part of your life and just burn the time. This is kind of Sad, but it's common. Like during the sex that you're not feeling pleasure and you wanna finish it quickly or listening someone talking that you can't wait to stop to listen his/her voice or the job that you feel no pleasure being there and you want so hard to see the ending of the day.
There are a lot of moments of our life that we wanna kill, the non pleasant ones. At the same time, there are a lot of intensive and pleasant moment that we lose the sense of time compared with the non pleasant ones that these moments are eternized.
For the next days, the entire 2019 or the rest of your life, you'll have pleasant moment and non pleasant ones, like me, like all of us living in this blue and green planet getting grayer and grayer day by day.
The way how to observe the time is gonna be your option. Summary it in couple of phrases or just grab a chair and share it with me, with the others around this world.
Happy new life!
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